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bet365 相撲医療建設が主流に入る

By Bryan Mehaffey February 27, 2023 8 MIN

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    Manufacturing units offsite can potentially shorten project schedules by 30-50 percent, according to the Modular Building Institute. Assembling the units can take place much earlier in the project development process, with multiple building trades potentially working concurrently. If the schedule demands an expedited timeline, factories may be able to stage their labor force to operate multiple shifts, keeping production going 24 hours a day. Working offsite also offers the benefit of fewer distractions, less time spent climbing into lifts or ladders, and fewer hours spent looking for misplaced equipment.
  • 安全上のリスクが軽減される
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    When developing modular components, architects and engineers need to ensure the materials not only fit within the overall design framework. Design standards must also be designed for easy fabrication, consistent assembly, and minimal adjustments.
  • サイズ制限
    Prefabricated components are hoisted onto trucks for delivery to the job site. The delivery strategy must consider whether each load can pass under the lowest bridge and along the narrowest road on the travel route. Depending on the distance from the factory, that can be a lot of bridges!
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注目の写真はイプシロン インダストリーズ提供


Bryan Mehaffey

Vice President, Southeast Region